For the Man of God who wants to break out of painful patterns and lead with power, passion, and purpose in the modern world.

Join our FREE community if you either want to find freedom from sexual sin or want to help others find freedom. This is for men, their sons, and anyone else who desires to become a Modern Man of Valor.

The name of this group comes from what we see in Scripture as David's Mighty Men of Valor.

Today, more than ever, we need Modern Men of Valor who are equipped to fight sin, love their wives, lead their kids, and come alongside other brothers for the glory of God.

Join our Brotherhood, follow our Code, and You Will change your life forever.

Imagine NO MORE PORN...and living a life of FREEDOM and PURPOSE. It doesn't have to be difficult. Join us today and begin Your own journey to God's truest purpose for Your life.

Wondering if Modern Man of Valor is for you?

It's for YOU if ANY of these apply:

  1. You're a man and a follower of Christ

  2. If you or someone you love are struggling with porn (or any other addiction)

  3. You're a father who wants to be open and lead your son(s) in sexual integrity

  4. You want to walk the journey with other brothers

  5. You feel called to disciple men in the church but you're not entirely sure how

Here is what others have had to say.

What You Will Have Access To In Modern Man of Valor...

This community is only for men of God who are ready for change to happen but they completely understand that the change they're seeking won't happen by accident.

Is it simple? YES.

Will it be easy? NO.

Will it be worth it? YES!

In a matter of months this man recognized the lies that were holding him back from a true and amazing relationship with the LORD.

How did he do it?

He didn't do it...the LORD did His work in Him because for the first time in years, he was willing to confront the very issues that were holding him back.

‍Fact: This is why The Man of Valor was created.

When I uncovered my own lies and how to attack them with the truth of God, I knew that I had to share it with other men who were just like me. And the best part of this brotherhood for me is seeing other men rise up and become the men of God HE created them to be.

If you want that...join us.

Do You Need A Guarantee To Join The Brotherhood?

Here's my guarantee.

  • 1) If You Join and Go ALL IN: You won't regret it.

  • 2) If You Join and Go ALL IN: Your wife, your girlfriend, your family will see DRAMATIC changes in you (or those you're leading) within three months.

  • 3) If You Join and Go ALL IN: You will no longer be a slave to the dopamine dragon of porn.

  • 4) If You Join and Go ALL IN: You will be able to help other men just like YOU find freedom from porn and purpose in life.

Join our FREE group and get started today.

What Modern Man of Valor Will Give You...

Strategy Library

Everything you need to attack pornography and lust head-on. Proven ways you can identify and destroy the stronghold of porn and masturbation.

Updated and added materials each week...

Step-By-Step Roadmaps

We created a roadmap that any man can follow and apply to their life and situation. If you follow the plan and do the work, you will be amazed at the results in as little as 90 days. This will give you an opportunity to praise God!

Personalized Help

Our live calls will help any man who joins and asks questions...

New calls each week.


Join Men of God Who Are Growing and Leading Others in this Battle Against Lust

ATTENTION: Married Christian Men

Watch this free training on how YOU can get UNSTUCK and start living your life with purpose and passion today.

A short video to show you how to become The Man of Valor...

  • ...Without needing porn to sedate and hide

  • ...While growing intimacy in your marriage and leading your family with integrity

  • ...Without the constant yo-yo of on-again, off-again habits that get you nowhere except frustrated

Are you ready for more than just the 'Status Quo...the ordinary...the mundane?

Are You ready for freedom? Ready to rise up and become the man your family needs?

Watch this free training to learn more about The Man of Valor challenge for Christian men.

About Me

In 2013, I almost lost my marriage, my kids, and lost everything that is important to me. I did lose my ministry position in a non-profit that I founded and led. I was in a pit and had no idea how to get out.

After years of working on myself, my marriage, and my relationship with Christ, I began to share what was 'working' with other brothers who were stuck in their own pit like I was.

And in 2020 I launched Natural Porn Killer to help men battling porn and masturbation. Over time, it became Modern Man of Valor to help men grow in their love for Christ and their hatred for sin. This is the group for you if you're struggling or you want to lead others in the fight for freedom and integrity!

Join us today and become the man you were created to be.

What Brothers Are Saying

Hey Spencer, I am on a three week sabbatical but it’s hard for me to turn my mind off thinking about the church and thinking about how things can improve...your devotions and the things that you’ve sent me have been really refreshing to me and help me a whole lot and I really appreciate it.
Pastor Matt
We're not here by mistake, God knew we would be in this position before we arrived here. I can't say enough is gospel-driven. The heavy load I've been carrying is being removed and God's love is replacing it. For so long I've not made room for it but freedom is found in God's grace if we allow it.
I signed up because I was ready to be done with porn...I had struggled for so many years. I am thankful that this is 100% gospel-focused and has helped me draw closer to God. I now also understand how my past and porn are connected. Since I have started, I am porn free. I would encourage you to sign up today.

Watch This FREE Video and Get Instant Relief From Uncertainty in 25 Minutes

Click below to subscribe to our newsletter and get instant access to this free video. You'll discover how to:

  • ELIMINATE the paranoia of burning questions

  • ELIMINATE the paranoia of burning questions

  • Take the first step towards PEACE of mind

  • ELIMINATE the paranoia of burning questions

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Actual results may vary based on individual circumstances. Do you want to grow as a man of God? Then the best way to find out is to watch the training to see if it's a good fit for you. We'll be completely transparent and brutally honest on whether we can help or not.